Se exigirá la asistencia de al menos el 80% de las sesiones presenciales/online.
de valoración de los trabajos siguiendo los requerimientos de NASA SPACE APP:• Impact: How much impact
(quality and quantity) can this project have? Does it solve a big problem or a
little problem? Will it inspire or help many, or a few?
• Creativity: How
creative/innovative is the approach? Is the project novel and something that
hasn’t been attempted before, or is it an incremental improvement on something
that already exists?
• Validity: Is the
solution scientifically valid? Will it do what it sets out to do? Can it work
in the real world?
• Relevance: Is this
project responsive to the challenge for which it was submitted? Is it a
complete solution or does it have a long way to go? Is it technically feasible?
How usable or user friendly is the solution?
• Presentation: How
well did the team communicate their project? Were they effective in telling the
story of the project: the challenge, the solution, and why is it important?