Información destacada

Prácticas Erasmus+ Biología (Kent, Reino Unido)

UBICACIÓN: Kent (Reino Unido)


  •  Ser estudiante o recién titulado de la ULE o de Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior de los centros que forman parte del Consorcio para la movilidad en prácticas-León con perfil de Biología, Biotecnología, Laboratorio de Análisis y Control de Calidad o similares.
  •  Consultar otros requisitos para solicitar becas Erasmus+ aquí.


  •  Programa formativo: The trainee will join active research groups working in fruit, breeding and genetics. They will become familiar with breeding cycle for several rosaceous fruit crops.
    He/she will be involved in executing the crossing programme designed by breeder in various crops. They will learn to evaluate fruit quality in raspberry including shelf-life and sensorial parameters and will acquire practical experience of pest and disease screening and propagation as well as improve their knowledge of management and husbandry of tree and cane fruit crops.
    The graduate could have the opportunity to gain experience in a molecular genetics laboratory environment and learn techniques commonly used in genetics research as well as be expected to comply with our quality assurance system, health and safety regulations and good laboratory practices.
  •   Dotación económica: 400€/mes (beca programa Erasmus+) + £120/semana para alojamiento (aportación empresa)
  •   Duración: Septiembre - Diciembre (aproximadamente)

INSCRIPCIÓN: Envía tu CV en inglés en formato PDF a


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